3D: Mice - Modelling and Animation
This is an animation that wasn't implemented in the story. The animate objects i will use are three mice which will be added to path animation.
Here is the finished mouse model.
The mouse is made mainly (everything but the tale) from sliced spheres. The body is a sphere, converted to editable poly and cut the half. After that i selected some middles in the poly and with ''Select and Move" tool i stretched the body. The tail is just a line with the sweep modifier.
Since the player will never be able to see the mouse on the bottom part there is no need to work on that. Next thing to do is to add the head.
I made another sphere, placed it on the right spot and then after converting it to editable poly i dragged the polys used for nose out.
Right after that it's time to add the ears. It's done in quite similar way to the body - sphere cut a bit more than a half and extended in the middle. I also deleted only one poly to one of the sides to give it more urban feeling.
Now here i got a little problem with the texturing. The problem was that outside and inside of the ears are different colors. Nose also should stand out. I could have probably used UVW unwrapping but didn't find the right texture, so the solution i got was with more spheres ( surprise ). I duplicated the ears, made them a little bit smaller and gave them a pink color. The nose is just a small half-sphere on the top of the nose with pinkish color.
After grouping all of the parts together, the mouse is ready for the next part.
I will use this mouse and just duplicate it three times. In the maze they would probably move in a more straight forward line but for the sake of this presentations i used various lines to attach them to.
This part is quite simple. I drew a line and a circle and then just clicked on the mouse i wanted to select -> "Animation" dropdown menu -> "Constraints" -> "Path Constraints". Then just click on the wished line and it's ready. In the "Motion Menu" check the box for follow and remove the constant velocity. After some rotating so the mouse face the right direction we have the ready animation.